Sand Hill Farms is dedicated to raising quality beef, carefully selecting genetically superior bulls, cows and heifers that produce calves with high E.P.D.'s (Expected Progeny Differences).
What does that mean? E.P.D. is a scoring system that helps producers choose the breeding stock that helps them achieve their end goal without the use of hormones or chemical. Breed associations calculate E.P.D.'s using vast amounts of data collected on economically important traits. Examples of these traits include birth weight, calving ease, temperament, marbling and ribeye area.
What does that mean? E.P.D. is a scoring system that helps producers choose the breeding stock that helps them achieve their end goal without the use of hormones or chemical. Breed associations calculate E.P.D.'s using vast amounts of data collected on economically important traits. Examples of these traits include birth weight, calving ease, temperament, marbling and ribeye area.